Monday 13 October 2008

Earth Atlas: Creating a KML tree with Ext JS

A new version of Earth Atlas is now available ( Earth Atlas demonstrates how a Google Earth-like user interface can be created in the web browser. This is achieved by combining the Google Earth API and the Ext JS library. Earth Atlas has no server-side dependencies, - the data layers are provided by loading various KML files. 
 The main changes since the initial release:
  • The layers available in the Google Earth Plug-in (borders, roads, buildings and terrain) can be switched on and off. 

  • Various options can be set (status bar, grid, overview map, scale legend, atmosphere and mouse navigation)

  • The KML structure (list view) is displayed in the left panel when external files are referenced (see example).    

Thursday 2 October 2008

Introducing Earth Atlas

Earth Atlas is a prototype web application showing how KML files can be visualised directly in the web browser.

The Google Earth API and the Ext JS library are used to create a responsive user interface. Earth Atlas contains KML files from the Thematic Mapping Engine, a few KML SuperOverlays as alternate background maps, and KML files from external sources.

Other KML/KMZ files can be visualised by adding a link in the left panel, or directly in the Earth Atlas URL:

First release today - to be continued!