This blog post shows how the new release of
OpenLayers (2.6) and
GeoJSON can be utilised to make proportional symbol maps. The performance is very good compared to
choropleth world maps.
This map shows the population in each country of the world in 2005. The population numbers (medium variant) were downloaded from
UNdata. For the purpose of symbolisation, these are conceived as conceptual point data. The symbols are placed in the centre of each country, even though the data represents the country as a whole. The population data are provided as a GeoJSON
FeatureCollection containing point coordinates (longitude/latitude) and parameters (name and population of country).
Proportional symbols can be geometric or pictographic. I’m using circles on the map above, which have been the most frequently used geometric symbol. Scalable pictographic symbols are harder to create in a web interface. I will try different methods at a later stage.
The size of the circle areas are mathematically scaled in direct proportion of the population data. This is the JavaScript formula:
Math.sqrt(value / maxValue) * maxSizeThe maximum symbol size is chosen to minimise the symbol overlap. People tend to underestimate the size of larger symbols, and an alternative to mathematical scaling is
perceptual scaling. The underestimation is here taken into account when constructing the formula.
The new 2.6 release of OpenLayers has some
powerful styling capabilities. When the user zooms the map, the circles are automatically scaled to keep their relative size. This map shows the effect:

Thanks to the OpenLayers developers and contributors for making a great product!
Thematic Cartography and Geographic Visualization, Second Edition 2005, Terry A. Slocum et al., Pearson Education, Inc