The second hack for making proportional symbols in KML, is to use
regular polygons (see the first hack
here and
here). Unfortunately, KML has no build-in support for regular polygons so you have to do it the hard way: by calculating the longitude/latitude for each vertex or corner point of the polygon. Since I'm not a math genius, I was happy do find
this PHP function by TJ which I could modify for this purpose. This is the result:

By changing the bearing or angle 30 times from 0 to 360, the function returns a circle (

Reduce the number of iterations to 4, and you'll get a square (
KMZ). Not the easiest way to draw a square, but it works.
These files are also viewable in
Google Maps and
Microsoft Live Maps (Virtual Earth), even though the circles are not so regular any more.

Is it possible to see the code that generates the KML-files?
could you please post the link to the php function by TJ
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